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How to Query PPM Database Schema from Data ware house schema?
How to Query PPM Database Schema from Data ware house schema?

In Order to Query PPM Table from DWH Schema – On First Hand we need the DBLINK used between Clarity Schema and DWH Schema.


A database link is a schema object in one database that enables you to access objects on another database

DB Link is created between CA PPM schema and DWH Schema for communication.

DB Link is a one way communication which can be leveraged to query CA PPM DB from DWH Schema.

Create a new Jasper Studio report in Jaspersoft Studio to Query the DWH and compare the data with Clarity.

Sample SQL Construct:

select a.clarity_cnt, b.dwh_cnt from (select count(*) clarity_cnt
 (select count(*) dwh_cnt

Note: In the above example MUN1598PDWH_MUN1598P is the DBLINK.

You can get the DB for On-demand customer from CA PPM UI. Admin-> General Settings -> System Options.

DBLINK Would be: [Data Warehouse DB Schema] _ [CA PPM DB Schema)

Sample Report JRXML:

Sample Report Screen Shot from Clarity UI:

How to schedule the CA PPM Jobs using Cron Use UNIX crontab entry format

In order to utilize the crontab entry on CA PPM to schedule the recurring jobs there are some pre-requisites to be matched.

1. Make sure all your servers are in same timezone like application server it can be app or bg and Database Server.

2. Cron tab entry will take only the server time not the user account time from CA Clarity PPM.

3.  Login to the CA PPM Application and go to the Jobs that you want to schedule using UNIX crontab feature.

4. Select the job and check the Scheduled checkbox.

5. Click the "Set Recurrence" link and scroll down little and select the option button "Use UNIX crontab entry format"

6.  Crontab consist of Five fields separated by spaces

     * * * * *

First Field represents the minute of the hour from [0-59]

Second Field represents the hour of the day from [00-23]

Third Field represents the day of the month from[1-31]

Fourth Field represents the month of the year from [1-12]

Fifth Field represents the day of the week from sunday to sunday [0-7]
 0- sun

If you are new to cron job scheduling and confused dont know what to do  click  here to see how your scheduled crontab values looks like.

DextersPPMLab Friday, 20 May 2016
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DextersPPMLab Friday, 22 April 2016
Project and Portfolio Management Software List

There are many software companies are developing the  PPM Product as a suites based on the best practices followed by the industry standards.

Some of the Product company names are,

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